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Learning without Limits Academy Trust



Students in year 7 learnt about Sustainability in Architectural design and engineering. They went through a design process with biomimicry being the main influence in their work. They learnt about the different careers involved within architectural design, how to work within a team, being a good team player, leader and communicator and how to creatively develop ideas. 


  • The different careers involved in the field of Engineering and the qualifications needed.
  • The mathematical calculations used by Jewellery Engineers.
  • How to be creative with jewellery designing by looking at patterns and symmetry.


Year 7 students spent their day learning about the role of a sports leader and nutritionist. They began with a session to learn about the roles of; an official, a coach, a timekeeper, a sports manager, a sports analyst and a sports journalist. Within this session they planned their own warm up’s and games, to deliver in a practical session later in the day. During the practical session they selected a role within their group and then fulfilled this role throughout the session. After they had analysed their practical session, they went back to the classroom to learn about the role of a nutritionist and the rules of a healthy lifestyle. They were evaluating meals, energy drinks and lifestyles. Then applying this to the world of work.

Justice System

Year 7 students spent the day learning about the different careers involved within Criminal Justice (Police Detective, Criminal Barrister, Investigative Journalist).

They learned how to analyse a range of primary and secondary sources and how to use this information to form my own judgements, and how to work in a team and communicate and present my ideas clearly and effectively


The Year 7 students worked super hard today and showed lots of determination and enthusiasm working on the peace garden. Lots of planting was done in the garden, bamboo fencing put in place as well as clearing of the pebble area. All students worked tremendously hard throughout the day. The students were not afraid to get dirty and really got stuck in with all the required tasks. They demonstrated all the ready values we would expect including resilience, respect and team work.

Written by Mrs Walsh, Assistant Principal

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